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Axel Örn Ásbergsson


Graduated with a BSc in riding and riding instruction from Hólar University in 2019. He started working for Dalur in the autumn of 2021 and is responsible for training and sales of horses.
He can also give riding lessons.

+354 857 1585


Elín Magnea Björnsdóttir 


Graduated with a BSc degree in riding and riding instruction from Hólar University in 2019 and started working at Dalur in the autumn of 2021. She takes care of training, sales of horses and social media and can also give riding lessons.

+354 846 7073

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Hafliði Friðriksson


Has worked for the Dalur farm since the year 2002. Hafliði has mainly oversees haying for outdoor horses, painting and general maintenance of outbuildings and fences. From the very beginning, emphasis has been placed on revegetating the moors so that those lands can grow and be better used for grazing. Hafliði, Halldór and Jón Jónsson have also lain several riding paths within the property, which has increased the variety of riding routes available.

Staff Throughout the Years


Halldór Guðjónsson and Helle Laks

Halldór has worked the longest in Dalur. He started working in 1998, then took a break for two years and moved to Sweden. Halldór and Helle Laks then returned to Dalur in 2013 and was the farm manager until 2023 and has, in addition to training, coaching and showing horses and many other responsibilities related to the operation of the farm and has taken an active part in the breeding work at Dalur over the years. He has shown a lot of horses in breeding show for Dalur in 1. prize, for example: Hrímu (highest judged 4 year old mare in 2005), Glúm, Konfúsíus, Orku, Fljóð, Hátíð, Grósku, Foldu, Atorku, Dunu, Teklu, Dýrð and mre.  

Halldór graduated from Hólaskóli in 1995 and received the highest grade as a riding instructor in the spring of 2007.  

Extensive construction has taken place in Dalur during Halldór and Helle's time, including the construction of an elegant riding hall with a connecting building, the reconstruction of the old stable in 2006 and the construction of a 24-horse stable and engine storage in 2008. In addition, Halldór has supervised the maintenance and restructuring of Dalur, as well as fences on the ground.  

Helle Laks first came to Dalur as an intern from Hólaskóli and graduated as a trainer from Hólar in 2003. She has worked in training both in Dalur and elsewhere in this country. She has also worked in horticulture and helped with the arboriculture in Dalland over the years. She graduated as a master gardener in 2020 from the Agricultural University of Iceland. Helle has been in charge of trees and plants around Dalur and Dalland for the past years.

Jessica Westlund 

Jessica worked in Dalur since 2012 until 2022, she originally arrived with her friend Sandra Jonsson and only intended to stay for 2 months, but extended her stay for quite a few years now. She is from Udevalla in Sweden and is a great trainer and competitor. 


Adolf Snæbjörnsson

Adolf from Hafnarfjörður lives in Dalland and is training horses there. He has trained and competed on many horses from Dallandi through the years. 

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Atli Guðmundsson and Eva Mandal 

Atli Guðmundsson from Hafnarfjörður and Eva Mandal from Sweden worked for a long time in Dalur and even ran a training center there for a while on their own.  

In total, they worked for about 9 years at Dalur. Atli tamed and showed many horses from Dalland during these years. The best known of these horses is Ormur from Dalland, where Atli won the A-class at National Championship in 2000. In 2006 they won in the catagory "gæðingafimi". Atli showed many mares from Dalland who went on to win first prize, for example the honorary prize mare Dúkkulísa and the first prize mares Dagrún and Stórstjarna.  

During Atli's years at Dalur, he also competed on horses from elsewhere, which Dalland owned, at the World Championships on Hróður from Hofsstaðir, and Reynir from Hólar.  

Atli also came up with suggestions and influenced which stallions were use on the mares. 

List of Staff Through the Years

Adolf Snæbjörnsson 

Anna Þórdís Rafnsdóttir

Atli Guðmundsson 

Ásdís H. Árnadóttir

Baldvin Ari Guðlaugsson

Berglind Sigurþórsdóttir 

Charlotta Gripenstam

Daníel Ingi Smárason 

Erlendur Árnason 

Eva Mandal 

Eyjólfur Ísólfsson

Eyjólfur Þorsteinsson 

Eyrún Anna Sigurðardóttir 

Fanny Hallberg 

Fredrik Sandberg 

Frida Dalhén

Gloria Kuckel

Grímur Grímsson 

Guðbjörg Sveinsdóttir 

Guðmar Þór Pétursson 

Guðmundur Guðmundsson 

Gunnar Ágústsson 

Hafliði Friðriksson 

Halldór Guðjónsson 

Hanní Heiler 

Helgi Kjartansson

Helle Laks

Hinrik Bragason

Hinrik Sigurðsson

Hjörtur Ingi Magnússon

Hreggviður Eyvindsson 

Héðinn Jónsson

Ia Lindholm 

Ida Eklund 

Ingimar Ingimarsson 

Ingimar Jónsson 

Jelena Ohm 

Jessica Westlund

Jóhann G. Jóhannsson 

Jóhann P. Ágústsson 

Jóhann Skúlason 

Julia Kirchoff

Julia Mayer

Karoline Wenzel 

Katrín Harðardóttir 

Kári Steinsson 

Krista Erholtz

Kristján Birgisson

Kristján Ljótsson 

Laura Benzon 

Lilja Loftsdóttir 

Linnéa Brofeldt

Liz Greaves 

Lorena Portmann

Mareyke Fluth Strothmann

Meike Egge 

Niels Joel Aström 

Páll Sæmundsson 

Ólafur Þórðarson 

Ragnar Hinriksson

Rakel Anna 

Reynir Örn Pálmason 

Rúna Einarsdóttir

Sandra Jonsson 

Sara Arnbro 

Senita Pukki

Sif Jónsdóttir 

Sigurður Jónsson 

Sigurður Marinusson 

Sigurður R. Pálsson 

Sigurður Valdimarsson 

Sjöfn Sæmundsdóttir 

Sophie Viola

Sóley Þórsdóttir 

Sussie Lund Lindberg 

Sveinn Hauksson (Denni)

Sveinn Reynisson 

Sölvi Sigurðarson 

Thelma Benediktsdóttir 

Trausti Þór Guðmundsson 

Vera Roth

Vignir Jónasson 


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