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Stallions 2023

Dalur HorseCenter

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Dalur horse center offers four stallions for use in the summer of 2023. They are Glúmur, Guttormur and Konfúsíus all from Dalland.

Glúmur is the highest judged horse from Dallandi, he has received a total score of 8.81 in fizo.

He won 7y. and older stallions at Landsmót hestamanna 2018, he has also done good things in competition, for example he was in A finals in A-class at Landsmót hestamanna 2022 and he was also in A finals in A-class at Fjórðungsmót Vesturlands 2021.

F: Glymur from Flekkudal (8.52 - 1st prize for offsprings)

M: Orka from Dallandi (8.22)

Glúmur will be serving mares at Dalur horse center, Mosfellsbær. Price: 145,000 w/all (VAT and one sonar).

For more information, contact Axel Örn at s: 857-1585 or email:

To read more about Glúmur, please visit this link:

Guttormur from Dallandi is a 1st prize stallion with 8.61 in total score, he has 8.44 for conformation, 9 for joints and hooves, and 8.70 for rideability, 9 for tölt, trot, pace and rideability.

He was third highest judged stallion in 5y old class of stallions in Landsmót 2022.Guttormur is after Spuni from Vesturkoti (8.92 - Honorary Award) and Gróska frá Dallandi (8.2)

Guttormur will serve mares first at Dalur horse center, then he goes north to Héraðdalur, Skagafjörður on a field). Price: 130,000 w/all (VAT and one sonar).

For more information, contact: Axel Örn at s: 857-1585 or email:, and Gunnar B. Dungal at s: 822-2010 or email:

Konfúsíus from Dallandi is a 1st prize stallion with 8.39 in total score, of which 9 for conformation and hooves. He has even and good gaits, big and handsome.

F: Konsert from Hofi (8.72 - 1st prize for offsprings)

M: Gróska from Dallandi (8.2)

Konfúsíus will be serving mares at Dalur horse center, price: 100,000 w/all (VAT and one sonar).

More information is provided by: Axel Örn in s. 857-1585 or email:

Ósmann frá Dallandi, four year old stallion, was shown in FIZO this year and got 7.93 in total

score, he was shown as a fourgaiter and the total score w/o pace is 8.26

He got 8.0 for tolt and trot, 8.5 for canter, gallop, rideability and general impression, 9.0 for walk! We are very excited for this young stallion, he has the best mind and good gaits.

F: Sólon from Þúfum (8.9)

M: Gróska from Dallandi (8.2)

Ósmann will be serving mares on a field here in Dalur, Mosfellsbæ.

Price: 80.000 w/all (VAT and one sonar).

For more information, contact Axel Örn at s: 857-1585 or email:

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